Friday, January 24, 2014

Official Letter Stating My Daughter Is Moving Home

Heard from my daughters worker today.  Seriously I wish we had had her from the beginning.  It really is amazing to me every time I talk to her.  She actually listens to us.  I am so used to workers who don't care, don't do their jobs, lie and so on that dealing with this worker is always pleasantly surprising.  I knew there had to be good, decent workers out there but never met one until this worker.

Anyway we needed a letter to give to the high school here so we could set up a meeting with them to discuss my daughters transfer for this fall.  The meeting would be my partner and I and our community support worker.  We wanted to meet with the principal, student counselor and some of the teachers.  I wanted to fill them in on a few things to try and ensure as smooth a transition to her new school as possible.

So this is part of what the letter states(names removed):

"I am the Children’s Services Case Worker for (my daughter), and am writing this letter to confirm that our case plan is to return her to the care of her mother. We are hoping to have her transition into her mother’s care over the course of the summer, and proceed to rescinding the Permanent Guardianship Order by the end of 2014. This may happen sooner, but until it does, the Ministry remains the legal guardian of the child.  Her mother will be the official caregiver and will have the authority to register her for school and sign and give permission for any daily matters."

So as you can see it is totally official now. 


Took 6yrs of fighting, took just one worker with a heart and decency to actually look at the file and see it for what it is.  But it is finally happening.  My daughter will be home this summer permanently.  We have know for a while but seeing it in an official letter actually brought tears to my eyes.  My dad is telling me to frame it.  lol 

My fight is not over though.  My sons will be coming home too. I don't know yet when.  It will take a worker like my daughters to help fix this injustice to my entire family.  But it will happen.  I will never stop till my entire family is back together.

We just had to share this will you all.

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